

The Kids

The Kids

Monday, January 12, 2009

Gosselins Without Pity

HOLY CRAP! I actually am soo annoyed at how Gosselins without pity says such ridiculous stuff!!! it's absolutely insane! they lie and overexgagerate everything they possibly can... i actually encourage you to read some of the stuff they say just so you can come back here and get mad about it!!

Gosselins Without PIty

Gosselins With Pity

So basically this website was made by two huge Jon and Kate Plus 8 fans who disagree with the website Gosslins Without Pity! We're trying to make our website the opposite by proving that Jon and Kate are the bomb and that they are not greedy parents!!! If you feel the same way then please don't be afraid to speak your mind!! Unlike Gosselins without pity, our board will let you post whatever you want. We promise not to delete anything just because we don't agree with it.

Gosselins With Pity